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miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2015

sucul proaspat din plante medicinale-fresh herbal juice

Fresh herbal juice

Fresh herbal juice is probably one of the most healthy and invigorating complex that we can ingest substances.
It is administered in the form of drops or is used to buffer the diseased areas of the body.
It is obtained by pressing freshly picked herbs, and used
However, placed in sealed bottles well, herbal juices, can keep several months if kept refrigerated.
Natural treatments with fresh herbal juices.
Here are some examples of the use of herbal juices:
-Celery juice helps remove obesity, because it favors the removal of water from the body.Celery juice is recommended for rheumatism and gout treatment.
- Beauty apple juice helps to tone the tissues, which can be applied by gently massaging the area that needs to be remedied.
- Cherry juice and cherries is useful in the treatment of hepatitis.
- Blackthorn juice help stop nose bleeds (buffering).
- Green coconut juice treat warts.
-Lemon juice treat sinusitis, thrush, tonsillitis, herpes,warts.
-Orange juice (buffering) treats gingivitis and stomatitis.
-Fig juice treat warts.
-Green bean pods juice cures acne in adolescents.
-Plums juice removes constipation.
- Carrot juice helps eliminate toxins from the body.
-Onion juice removes freckles and treats sores.
-Potato juice cure gastric disorders.
-Tomato juice is recommended in diets.
- Cabbage juice is recommended to be drunk to eliminate intestinal worms.It is effective in the treatment of acne (buffering),gastritis and ulcers.
-Spinach juice we get rid of depression. … read more…
Sucul proaspat din plante medicinale
Sucul proaspat din plante medicinale este probabil una
dintre cele mai sanatoase si revigorante complexe de substante pe care le putem ingera.
Se administreaza,sub forma de picaturi sau se foloseste
pentru tamponarea zonelor bolnave de pe corp.
Se obtin prin stoarcerea plantelor medicinale prospat
culese,si se utilizeaza imediat.
Totusi,introduse in sticlute bine astupate,sucurile din plante medicinale,pot tine cateva luni daca sunt pastrate la frigider.
Tratamente naturiste cu sucuri proaspete din plante medicinale.
Iata cateva exemple de utilizare a sucurilor din plante
-Sucul de telina ajuta la indepartarea obezitatii, deoarece favorizeaza procesul de eliminarea a apei din organism.Sucul de telina este recomandat si in tratamentul reumatismului si gutei.
-Sucul de mere ajuta in cosmetica, la tonifierea esuturilor,putand fi aplicat prin masaj usor in zona care se doreste a fi remediata.
-Sucul de cirese si visine este util in tratamentul
- Sucul de porumbar ajuta la oprirea sangerarilor  nazale (tamponari).
- Sucul de nuca verde trateaza negii.
-Sucul de lamaie trateaza sinuzita, aftele, amigdalită, herpesul,negii.
-Sucul de portocale (tamponari) trateaza gingivitele si stomatitele.
-Sucul de smochine trateaza negii.
-Sucul de pastai verzi de fasole,trateaza acneea la adolescenti.
-Sucul de prune inlatura constipatia.
-Sucul de morcovi ajuta la eliminarea toxinelor din organism.
-Sucul de ceapa indeparteaza pistruii si trateaza aftele.
-Sucul de cartofi vindeca afectiunile gastrice.
-Sucul de rosii este recomandat in curele de slabire.
- Sucul de varza se recomanda a fi baut pentru eliminarea viermilor intestinali.Acesta este eficient si in tratamentul acneei (tamponari),gastritelor si ulcerului.
-Sucul de spanac ne scapa de depresii. … citeste mai departe…

luni, 21 septembrie 2015

cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb

Thyme Herb
Spreading: The plant is cultivated on barren land, sand, no stagnant water in the plains until the mountains.
Body plant used: aerial parts of the plant.
Harvest time: thyme harvested before flowering in May.
Thyme-natural treatments
Internal use: for internal use thyme is used to treat the following diseases: enterocolitis, helminitiaze, stimulating liver function, whooping cough.

External use: thyme is used in external use to treat the following conditions: wounds, ulcers, stimulating the peripheral circulation.
Tea (infusion) Thyme:
A heaping tablespoon of herbs brewed with a quart of fresh water and let it sit a bit.
For the treatment of chronic bronchitis (whooping cough and productive cough) - as emergency remedy, give a few sips of hot infusion of thyme, which has bronchodilator effects, soothing expectorant and fast.
For a long-term treatment is recommended powder, which is taken three times a day, a teaspoon.
The treatment lasts four weeks.
In addition, the hot baths with infusion of thyme, which have powerful effects strengthening immunity.
Thyme syrup: flowers and stems collected in the sun, gets wet with wet hands when entering the jar.
Allow all about. 3 weeks in sunny.
As the filtration, flowers and stems dipped in sugar should be washed only with water, then pour the siriop.
The syrup is put on low heat to evaporate without boiling it.The syrup must not become neither too thin nor too thick, so it is allowed to cool once or twice, to probation. ... read more ...
cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb
Cimbru Planta Medicinala
Raspandire:planta se cultiva pe soluri aride,nisipoase,fara apa stagnanta,din zona de
campie pana in cea montana.
Organul vegetal utilizat:partile aeriene ale plantei.
Perioada de recoltare:cimbrul se recolteaza inainte de inflorire in luna mai.
Cimbru-Tratamente Naturiste
Uz intern:in uz intern cimbru se foloseste pentru tratarea urmatoarelor afectiuni:enterocolite,helminitiaze,stimularea functiei hepatice,tuse convulsiva.
Uz extern:in uz extern cimbrul se foloseste pentru tratarea urmatoarelor afectiuni:rani,ulceratii,stimularea circulatiei periferice.
Ceai (infuzie) de cimbru:
O lingura cu varf de plante oparite cu un sfert de litru de
apa proaspata si se lasa sa stea putin.
Pentru tratarea bronsitei cronica,(tuse convulsiva si tuse
cimbru planta medicinala-thyme herb
productiva)- ca remediu de urgenta, se administreaza cateva inghitituri de infuzie fierbinte de cimbru, care are efecte bronhodilatatoare, expectorante si calmante rapide.
Pentru un tratament de lunga durata, se recomanda pulberea, din care se ia de trei ori pe zi cate o
lingurita rasa.
Tratamentul dureaza 4 saptamani.
Suplimentar, se fac bai fierbinti cu infuzie de cimbru, care au efecte puternice de intarire a imunitatii...citeste mai departe...