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joi, 21 mai 2015

fasolea planta medicinala-beans herb

Beans herb
Beans herb
Beans herb
Beans, annual plant is grown for both food serving purposes,and those medicines.
Beans, like herb has different actions on the human body, among which the best known are: diuretic, cleansing, calming spasms.
Called Phaseolus vulgaris in Latin, the plant is used for centuries not only fresh food, berries and folders, but also as a medicinal plant namely pods without seeds, dried thoroughly.
Beans-Natural Treatments
Bean pods, containing a number of amino acids, minerals and many other substances with diuretics (remove water from the body, promotes passing urine from the body) but especially anti diabetic properties.
These properties pods prepared as tea, are used in, kidney and diseases of the bladder, heart disease (especially pericarditis), states rheumatic treat dropsy (fluid retention in tissues), in all cases beneficial effect it is the removal of fluid from the tissues.
For patients cystitis (bladder disorders, accompanied by strong burning and feeling spasms and anxiety), tea from bean pods, helps a lot.
It relieves pain and normalizes passing urine.
Tea of bean pods, along with flowers and leaves and leaves of blueberry shock and centaury help people with diabetes, lower blood sugar content.
Tea bean pods
Tea bean pods
Tea bean pods
Diuretic, calming the spasms, cleansing, anti-rheumatic, antigout easy hypoglycemic remineralizant.
Major recommendations:
Chronic kidney and urinary tract (including gallstones), dropsy, edema cardiorenal.
Other recommendations:
Acne, eczema, rashes, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, reconstituent for convalescents, pulmonary TBC.
Preparation and Administration:
Decoction (one tablespoon to cup), 2-3 cups / day
Cold soak (4 tablespoons per liter), then decoction until reduced by half, drink it within a day.
The price is 2.63 lei
Delivery cost: 9.90 lei (country free (Romania) shipping for orders over 150,00 lei)

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Fasolea planta medicinala
Fasolea planta medicinala
Fasolea,planta anuala,este cultivata atat pentru a deservi scopurilor alimentare, cat si celor medicinale.
Fasolea, ca planta medicinala, are diferite actiuni asupra organismului uman, intre care cele mai cunoscute sunt:diuretic,depurativ,calmant al spasmelor.
Denumita in latina PHASEOLUS VULGARIS,planta este folosita
de secole nu numai ca aliment in stare proaspata,boabe si teci,dar si ca planta medicinala si anume pastaile fara seminte,bine uscate.
Fasolea-tratamente naturiste
Pastaile de fasole,contin o serie de aminoacizi,saruri minerale si multe alte substante cu proprietati diuretice (elimina apa din corp,favorizeaza eliminarea urinei din organism)dar si mai ales,proprietati anti-diabetice.
Datorita acestor proprietati,pastaile preparate ca ceai,se folosesc in ,afectiuni ale rinichilor si afectiuni ale vezicii urinare, bolile de inima (in special pericardita),starile reumatice,in tratarea hidropiziilor(retinere de lichid in tesuturi),in toate cazurile efectul benefic este eliminarea lichidului din tesuturi.
Pentru bolnavii de cistita (afectiuni ale vezicii urinare,insotite de usturimi puternice si stare de spasme si neliniste), ceaiul din teci de fasole,ajuta foarte mult.
El calmeaza durerile si normalizeaza eliminarea urinei.
Ceaiul din teci de fasole,impreuna cu flori si frunze de soc si frunzele de afin si tintaura ajuta bolnavii de diabet,la scaderea continutului de zahar in sange.


Ceai din Teci de fasole

Ceai din Teci de fasole

Diuretic, calmant al spasmelor, depurativ, antireumatic, antigutos usor hipoglicemiant, remineralizant. 
Recomandari majore:
Afectiuni cronice ale rinichilor si cailor urinare (inclusiv litiaza), hidropizie, edeme cardiorenale.
Alte recomandari:
Acnee, eczeme, eruptii, reumatism, guta, diabet, reconstituant pentru convalescenti, TBC pulmonar.
Mod de preparare si administrare:
Decoct (o lingura la cana), 2-3 cani/zi
Macerat la rece (4 linguri la litru), apoi decoctie pana scade la jumatate, se bea in decursul unei zile
Pretul este de 2,63 lei
Cost livrare: 9,90 lei (LIVRARE GRATUITA in tara pentru comenzile de peste 150,00 lei)